Tuesday, May 02, 2006

SOCA visual identity

I am a bit late to this (as usual), but the British goverment has created a new department called SOCA - Serious Organised Crime Agency. There is more than a little of our American friends in this - not just in name and purpose, but in visual style as well. The identity and website has come straight out of Mission Impossible, and I mean the first film - all quasi-futuristic fonts, drop shadows, gloobe iconography and metal skins. I can see Tom Cruise franticly trying to crack the password to access SOCA's high security data. To show it means business and is truly 'serious', the brand guys felt the need to quite literally show their teeth, but instead it looks like it's come out of hollywood. It has become a pastiche of a covert goverment agency, straight from a videogame.

I believe that any criticsm of other creative work on this Blog should aim to be as objective as possible. This will no doubt prove difficult when I will probably have no information on the brief, and therefore little sense of context. Equally, I do not want to use this as an excuse for not offering an opinion. Sometimes this may also prove to be a hard position to adopt.

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