Monday, May 22, 2006

Hitting the right note

Whilst reading my regular copy of Time Out, the city listings guide, my eyes were drawn to a full page advert for Ronnie Scotts Jazz Club and their listings of bookings for the next month or so. The irregular boxes of different but similar colours reminded me of the great Blue Note album covers - it transpires that Ronnie Scotts has a new brand identity, designed by Bloom Design.

The logo contains a drawing of Ronnie Scott himself playing the saxaphone, in deference to the world renowned figurehead who ran the club until he died in 1996. It successfully brings together the iconic cool of those striking covers by Reid Miles with a more contemporary visual interpretation of jazz (though I am not completely in love with the illustration - it has a tentative foot in both figurative or graphic camps without being committed either way).

I have often meant to go, but never have - I was repeatedly told that the food didn't live up to the quality of the music. I hope that this new Brand Identity does.

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