Monday, March 09, 2009

Design Week Awards

The book came through the post last week (not invited this year - pah!). Some great work as always. What immediately grabbed my attention was Johnson Banks' Mouse logo (the copyright symbol is just beautiful), Hat-Trick's Scottish Opera logo (simple, classic and therefore timeless), Purpose's christmas promotion for Greenford Press (Pantone + Food = Panettone), The Partners poster for Richard House Children's Hospice (witty and eye catching) and Pearlfisher's packaging for This Water (Innocent derivative in a good way). The digital category was a bit light, no-one was pushing the boundaries, despite what the Lynda Relph-Knight said. It's difficult to be impressed with a site and not by the technology behind it, Flash or video, and good old fashioned ideas are a bit rarer. I guess that's why Eagle Clean was the winner as there is a simple concept but it's a bit ho hum. Design Week doesn't seem to be keeping pace with digital developments.

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