Friday, September 04, 2009

It's what you leave out that counts

Been a fan of Noma Bar for a while - his illustrations for Esquire are fantastic, clever, witty and apt, and I would love to commission him soon. He has a new book out called 'Negative Space', a philosophy I have been advocating for some time - see for a brandmark we created and an excellent example of a marque and name in union. The Fedex logo is probably the most famous, if under the radar of most consumers. Check him out.

Flatpack typography

Read yesterday that Ikea is globally replacing their existing brand font futura with verdana. It seems the cost of purchasing all those licenses is prohibitive and as the microsoft endorsed is ubiquitous, it will be easier to implement. If ever there was a case study for the importance of type in a brand visual language, this will be it. Gone will the modernist vision, replaced with a blander articulation. Where's the personality?

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Subservient chicken

This made me howl, closely followed by 'how did they do that?'

Tuesday, September 01, 2009


Quite like this - was a bit ho hum with the animation initially (Incredibles like) but the idea brings the film together at the end. Animation by Nexus Productions.